Product Requirements Document
uFaber wants to launch a government exam web and mobile application where a student can choose one or more exams of his/her choice and practice mock tests. These exams do not have an identical syllabus but similar topics for eg - bank PO, UPSC CSAT, RBI grade B, CAT, etc. Students often give multiple exams in their preparation year. The portal is free of cost and allows its users to take topic-wise practice tests and timed mock tests.
What to build
Develop a web-based backend CMS (content management system) for the above product, on which question banks and test banks are managed by the content team.
User Personas
The primary users of this backend CMS are data entry personals and faculty.
MVP Feature Scope
- Faculty members and data entry personnel will be provided with credentials to log into the CMS portal. There will be no sign-up flow.
- The will be primarily 3 sections - Tests, Exams, and Topics
- Tests section
- The landing screen of the tests section will have a list of tests displayed based on the default values selected in the dropdown.
- Various available tests can be viewed by changing values from the drop-down selections available.
- Search functionality will be provided to filter through tests.
- “Add test” CTA will be available to create a new test by entering the test name, exam type, test duration, and category type (Full mock, sectional, etc.).
- The list view will have inline CTAs for the “Manage questions” and “Delete” tests.
- Clicking on “Manage questions” will open a detailed view of the test.
- The detailed view will have a list of selected questions, relevant tags, remove question CTA, bulk delete option, “Add questions” CTA, and “Edit” CTA for updating test details.
- The “Add questions” CTA will open a dialog box, from which you can select questions manually or randomly based on category, topics, and difficulty level, and add them to the test.
- Exams section
- The landing screen of the exams section will have all the available exams displayed in tile view.
- The “Add exam” CTA will be available to add new exams.
- Topic section
- The landing screen of the topics section will have all the sub-topics displayed available under the default selected parent category along with “Manage questions” CTA.
- “Add topic” CTA will be available to create new categories and topics.
- Clicking on the “Manage questions” will open a detailed view of the topic.
- The detailed view will have a list of questions, relevant tags, and a 3-dot menu which will have options of edit and delete questions.
- “Add” and “Import” CTAs will be available to add new questions to the topic.
- The bulk delete option will be available to delete multiple questions at a time.
- Clicking on the “Add” CTA will open a dialog box, from which you can add a new question by entering/ selecting values for question type(single select OR multiple select), difficulty level, applicable exams(multi-select), question title, question detail, and options.
- Clicking on the “Import” CTA will allow you to import questions in bulk from a CSV sheet.
Mocks - First Draft